first aid kit, open

Cuts and Scrapes

self-adhesive bandages
bandaged injury to palm

Most people are familiar with adhesive strip bandages such as Band-Aid brand and maybe even specially shaped, self-adhesive bandages for knuckles and other hard-to-bandage areas. But there is a wide range of other bandages that can be very useful in your first aid kit.

From gauze pads and adhesive tape, to roller and triangular bandages, each can have an important place in home first aid.

rolls of bandaging tape
bandaging hand

How to use bandages for cuts and scrapes

Bandages:  Click Here for a comprehensive article on bandage types and how to apply them.

computer screen

Click Here for videos on general bandaging techniques.

Click Here for how to make a sling.

Pressure Dressing

Click Here for videos on emergency pressure dressings (the Israeli Battle Dressing or IBD).

Where to Buy

drugstore aisle

The most cost-efficient place to purchase self-adhesive bandages is usually going to be your local drugstore or big-box store. They will usually also have specialized bandages like roller, elastic and triangular bandages.

Grandpa TJ: Online sources for self-adhesive bandages can start at lower prices but by the time you add shipping, they end up being more costly than the local sources. 

Specialized bandages, like trauma bandages or IBD’s, can be hard or even impossible to find at your local stores. Online sellers may be your best options.

arizona, general store, route 66

Grandpa TJ’s General Store: (tested and recommended)First Aid Section

Other Online Resources:

Burns and Blisters

hand with 1st degree burn

While burns and blisters can be treated with the standard bandage materials found in the Cuts and Scrapes section above, there are specialized bandages that make treatment easier and less painful.

high heels, ankle blisters

How to treat and bandage burns

Treatment:  Click Here for an article on how to evaluate and determine the degree of your burn.

Follow these links for how to treat Minor Burns and Major Burns.

Click Here for how to evaluate and treat your child if they get a burn.

computer screen

Click Here and Here for videos on treating and bandaging techniques for burns.

How to treat and bandage blisters

Treatment: Click Here for a series of articles on treating different types of blisters.

computer screen

Click Here for videos on treating and bandaging techniques for blisters.

Where to Buy

drugstore aisle

Your local drugstore or big-box store will usually have some burn dressings available on their shelves but it’s more likely that you would have to order from their websites for a wider choice.

Dressings for blisters are usually in stock and will be less expensive than online sources.

arizona, general store, route 66

Grandpa TJ’s General Store: First Aid Section

Other Online Resources:

Coming soon…

Coming soon…

Coming soon…